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Curruculum Vitae : For a Better Ignorance

For a Better Ignorance

© 2010-2024


Personal info

Nicolò Robinson Tedeschi
14/03/1983, Verona, ITALY.

Work Experiences

2010-2015 Santa Ragione Srl, via Serbelloni 4, Milano, www.santaragione.com
Co-foundation & direction of Santa Ragione S.r.l. with Pietro Righi Riva. Santa Ragione is a design studio dedicated to the development of games and videogames. In 2010 Santa Ragione developed and published the board game “Escape From The Aliens In Outer Space” in more than fifteen countries. The game was nominated for the prestigious “Diana Jones” Awards in Indianapolis, USA. In 2011 Santa Ragione launched the award-winning videogame “FOTONICA” and started the international indie game event “Lunarcade”. In 2013 we designed and produced the game "MirrorMoon EP" selected in many festival around the world including a nomination for the Nuovo Award at the 2013 IGF in San Francisco. In 2014 we mainly worked at the mobile version of FOTONICA. Released in September for iOS, it was selected by Apple as one of the 25 Best App of the year.

2011 IULM - Dissonance Workshop, via Carlo Bo 1, Milano, www.iulm.it
Santa Ragione teamed up with Matteo Bittanti ( www.mattscape.com ) to organize a 5 days workshop, during the IULM Film Happening, on the relation between games and cognitive dissonance, with the goal of having a playable prototype by the end of the workshop. How can we use the way the human mind works to create new game mechanics? how do games represent humans behaviours? How does a game influence the player?

2008-2010 North Sails Nord-East, via Galvani 4, Affi (VR), www.northsails.com
I worked for almost 2 years as sail maker in one of the most prestigious sailoft of Italy, with a long experience in the production of highly technical sails for both competitive and commercial sailing.

2007-2008 Carlsberg øl Pub, Bastioni di Porta Nuova 9, Milano, www.carlsbergol.it
Worked full time as a waiter and barman in one of the biggest pub/restaurant of Milan, capable of serving more than 600 seated customers.


July 2012, I get my BA discussing my thesis on the connection between games and contemporary art practices. Their connections and how they can influence each others.

2009 Accademia di Belle Arti G.B.Cignaroli, via C. Montanari 4, Verona www.accademiacignaroli.it
Bachelor of Arts student, Contemporary Sculpture department, Prof. Igino Legnaghi and Prof.ssa Donata Lazzarini.

2006 Universtà Cà Foscari, Dorsoduro 3246, Venezia, www.unive.it
Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and North Africa. I did not completed the 3 years BD, but in the year and a half of study I did complete more than 8 exams, including Japanese Language 1 and 2 and Japanese Art History.

2004 Liceo Scientifico G. Fracastoro, via Mosconi 11, Verona, www.liceofracastoro.it
Scientific Diploma, foreign language: English.

Activities, Exhibitions and Publications

2014 En Plein Art, Brescia, http://www.comune.brescia.it/news/2014/Dicembre/Pagine/En-Plain-Art.aspx
An art project and exhibition sponsored by Fastweb and Comune di Brescia. I designed two artworks aimed to cover Fastweb junction boxes around the city of Brescia.

2014 A.G.I.L.E. - Oltre il Vuoto, Verona, www.facebook.com/AssociazioneAgile
I designed and developed a software for filtering and visualizing data collected from the A.G.I.L.E. association during their project of mapping the abandoned structures in the city of Verona.

2012 VodafoneOpen - Game Bang, Triennale, Milano, www.vfopen.vodafone.it
Conference during the Game Bang event about authorship in games, "Videogiochi: Un Approccio Autoriale"; the event was organized by Emilio Cozzi.

2012 Bring Your Own Beamer, Milano, www.byobworldwide.com
Participated with Fotonica #0 at the BYOB event at Museo Pecci, Milano, curated by Domenico Quaranta.

2012 Experimental Gameplay Sessions, GDC, San Francisco, www.gdconf.com
Presentation of "MirrorMoon" game during the Experimental Gameplay Session at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, during the Game Developer Conference 2012.

2012 MirrorMoon, GlobalGameJam, Genova, www.globalgamejam.org
Development f the game MirrorMoon in 48 hours in occasion of the Global Game Jam in Genova, An event about gaming and rapid prototyping. The game was released along with Pietro Righi Riva and Paolo Tajé.

2011 Delta ? , Berlin, www.weird-vision.com/delta/
Participated with Fotonica #0 at the Delta ? event in Berlin, the 17th of December.

2011 F16-Soppalco FanZine, f16-soppalco-fanzine.blogspot.com/
I wrote an article for The "Soppalco FanZine", an periodic artistic project/publication in collaboration with Fama Gallery Verona.

2011 54th International Biennial of Art – Venice www.labiennale.it, www.neoludica.info
Participation at the collateral event "Italians Do It Better" at the 54th Venice Art Bienniale, part of “Neoludica” event. Neoludica is an exhibition about the role of videogames in arts and the use of games as a medium.

2011 Sakura - Tribute to Japan, Rovereto/Verona/Milano, www.alessandrapescetta.com
2nd camera man and co-director of photography int he short movie "Sakura" directed by Alessanda Pescetta.

2011 FarGame, www.fargame.it
“Gamification” panel within the FarGame festival in Bologna, Italy. The panel consists in a debate around the risks and advantages in the use of “gamification”, that is the application of game mechanics to non-game environments such as commercial websites.

2011 Lunarcade www.lunarcade.it
International collective aimed at promoting European independent games. The collective organizes two types of event. “Circus” is a night-party in which new, worthwhile, indie games are showcased. “Factory” is a two-days game workshop in which developers meet and collaborate making a new game. The game must be based on a given theme. So far, many internationally renown indie game designers have participated, such as Increpare (Stephen Lavelle), Christoffer Hedborg & Monobanda.

2011 Fotonica, www.fotonica-game.com
“Fotonica” is a one-button action game developed Mac and PC with the Unity3d SDK.
The game is a 3D running experience in a vector based, black and white, metaphysical world. The most peculiar aspect of the game is the navigation system based on a single button control that is extended even to the game menus. The game was selected for the Indie Arcade during the EuroGamer Expo in London and has won the Brave New Game Award as the “Most Innovative Game of 2011”.

2010 "Presepe Geometrico", Verona
A 3D video animation work based on the correlation between geometric primitives and the christian nativity cult. The work was done with the supervision of Padre Flavio and Igino Legnaghi.

2010 "V" sculpture, 20 copies, A.B.A. Verona
Production of 20 copies from the original of the "V" sculpture, commissioned by the artist Daniele Nalin. The 20 1:1 copies were realized using a particular industrial cement, with the use of a semi-rigid resin mold, modeled on the original.

Known Languages

English: excellent (TOEFL certificate).
Japanese: basic.
Italian: first language.

Technical competencies

Graphics design and movie design software:
Photoshop (advanced level)
Illustrator (intermediate/advanced level)
InDesign (basic level)
AfterEffects (basic level)
Premiere (intermediate level)
DragonStopMotion (basic level)

Processing (advanced level)
vvvv (intermediate level)

Game design and Level design software:
Unity3D (advanced level)

Design Software and Hardware:
Processing (advanced level)
Unity3D (advanced level)
Arduino (intermediate level)
MapBox (intermediate level)
vvvv (basic level)

3D Software:
Blender (advanced level)
Cinema4D (intermediate level)
3D Studio Max (basic level)
SketchUp (basic level)

Flash (basic level)
mySql (basic level)
FTP clients (various)

Javascript (basic level)
PHP/CSS/HTML (basic level)

Office Software:
Outlook / Pages
Excel / Numbers

Other: Good Illustration skills. Advanced experience in Photography and post-productions of both analog and digital images. Knowledge of classical engraving techniques (Copper, Zinc, Wood, Plexiglas). Good knowledge of various sculpting and molding techniques. Moodboards. Concept Art. Interaction & Game Design. Page design and digital print. Video Shooting. Sail Making. Use of various sewing tools. Long experience in the restoration business.

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